The Touch me not village of Himachal Pradesh

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The Touch me not  village of Himachal Pradesh

Malana is a village located in the state of himachal Pradesh.  This village is at the side of the north east kullu valley. This village is isolated from rest of the world. The myths of the village are strange. They have their own rule and don’t follow the Indian constituency. They call themselves as the descendent of the Alexander Greek army. It has been said by them that they have never had any type of physical relation with anybody outside the village. If you touch any house at Malana you will be fine you even cannot touch any person over by any means. If you are a shop purchasing anything you will have to place the money on the table and pick the thing from the table, this is done to avoid contact. They have belief that they can are descendent of lord Shiva. The population here is about 1500 people, it is just three times larger as it used to be 40 years ago. They think they are untouchable as they are pure. There is a fine imposed of Rs 1000 if you touch somebody and slaughter a lamb for the purification. Could this be true or is there something that is not noticed.

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Hi I am Sid nice to meet you all.

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