They're Alive All Right!!

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Photo by Bruce M. Walker

It's a small world and that's how I came to meet and interview some of the cast and crew from Canadian indie production "DEAD ALL NIGHT".  

Brad McMillan (The Post-Lifers) who I ran into recently at a preview screening,  had asked if I would be interested in reviewing a new project with which he was involved called "DEAD ALL NIGHT". Brad was enthusiastic about the project, telling me that he was a co-producer along with newbie Director, Chris Giroux. Brad said he would send me a link to a screener to this post apocalyptic, sci-fi thriller.

I told Brad that I would be delighted to write a review after viewing the short, but suggested that it might be more interesting to also meet with some of the others involved and do an interview and take some pictures.  

Photo by Bruce M. Walker

And so here I was in Port Credit, with photographer Bruce Walker snapping candid shots, while I chatted with the clever and loquacious Chris Giroux (Writer/Director/Producer) the talented and lovely Bethany McLeod (Art Director/Set designer/costume designer), and last but not least the incredibly enthusiastic and bubbly Kyle William (actor in the role of super villain, The Veteran).

Photo by Bruce M. Walker

Chris Giroux has been involved in the film business for 10 years, but this is his directorial debut. He said that this project has been brewing for a long time.  He wrote the screenplay  and sat on it until the appropriate opportunity came up.   That opportunity was joining forces with school chum Bethany McLeod and associate Chad Archibald(Co-producer/DP).

Chad Archibald in action

Photo by 13th Orange Media

Rather than go for outside funding, they decided the three of them would pitch in to fund the short.  Once the decision to actually do the project was made, they began to plan seriously. They enlisted Brad McMillan as co-producer. (Brad also took on film editing and was Second Assistant Director) and began to talk about how they would get the project started.  

Chris admits the budget was incredibly tight ($5,000.00). Once insurance and equipment and car and ATV rental, and the leather jackets was paid there was not a lot left over. "The leather jackets damn near did us in …" he smirks, looking over at Bethany, who had searched, designed and made most of the costumes, except the leather jackets.  It is really amazing what they accomplished with that budget. They also had some help from friends, who gave them great rates on rentals.

A huge money saver was that the whole thing was shot on a property belonging to Bethany's father in St. Catherines. It is an industrial type of site, shared by various different businesses, including a crane company, a paving company, and a gravel company. There are plenty of hunks of cement with wire sticking out; random rocks and stones, crane parts, metal rods, pieces of wood, and assorted other industrial debris just lying about, so it provided the perfect background for DEAD ALL NIGHT.

They shot it in 4 days, 2 blocks of 2 and they shot it overnight. (The shoot happened in November and it was freezing, Bethany tells me.) They were all wrapped up in huge winter coats and boots, and fortunately the costumes were also thick and warm, which was a good thing since the temperature dropped radically after dark.  

Photo by Bruce M. Walker

Bethany's background is art. She has been working in the film business for a year, as a Costume and Wardrobe (Uncommon Enemies),  as a Set Decorator, Production Designer, Art Director (DEAD ALL NIGHT), assistant Property Manager and Set Dresser (Ejecta).  She loves it, and credits her now heavy involvement with the industry, to friend and former schoolmate, Chris Giroux.  She will be working with Chris, once again as Artistic Director on a film he is producing for Chad Archibald (DP and co Producer on DEAD ALL NIGHT, Director on Neverlost).

The incredibly photogenic Kyle William kind of fell into acting. 

Photo by Bruce M. Walker

Sure he took acting way back when, he tells me, with a cheeky smile, but he has mostly been in the fortunate position of being offered good opportunities.  His first role was a bad guy in a short drama called Believe, directed by Scottie Baker. Kyle was also in a hard hitting music video made for Megadeth (directed by Cody Calahan).  It was on the set for this video that he ran into Chris Giroux and Ryan Barrett (Gavin Green in DEAD ALL NIGHT).  They all hit it off immediately, and it was as a result of this connection that he was offered the part of The Veteran in DEAD ALL NIGHT.

Kyle being made up as the Veteran

Photo by 13th Orange Media

Photo by Bruce M. Walker

Kyle loves playing bad guys, and does a great job of it.  It suits him, with his shaved head, muscular build and many tattoos, he looks tough. (Before Bethany and Chris arrived for the interview, I had spotted Kyle near his car, on his cell 'phone, and was thinking about asking if he was one of the interviewees, but decided he looked too intimidating …). Aside from a variety of shorts that he doing, Kyle told me that he has plans for a 2-man theatrical production with Ryan Barrett. It's in the works and he hopes to get started on that project this year.

Both Brad McMillan and Ryan Barrett were supposed to be there for the interview, but unfortunately were unable to join us due to heavy rush hour traffic, so we didn't get to chat with them, but we can tell you a little bit about them.

Brad McMillan (Producer) has been in the film business since 2008, variously as an actor (Post-Lifers, Nameless), Editor, (DEAD ALL NIGHT), Producer (Tasha and Friends, DEAD ALL NIGHT, Cooking the Shit Outta Things with Mike, The Post Lifers, Nameless)  Camera and Electrical Department (Tasha and Friends). A quiet and understated individual, Brad waxes enthusiastic when he's talking about his various projects, and he's clearly very excited about DEAD ALL NIGHT, since he asked me to review it.

Ryan Barrett gets made up as the Gavin Green character

Photo by 13th Orange Media

Ryan Barrett ( Ry) as his friends call him, began his career as the one-liner spouting, lead character in the 2004 horror/comedy 'Desperate Souls', and has continued with a steady incline of intriguing roles since then. His next role was in the Troma release 'Kill', and a role in the Lions Gate release 'Psycho Ward'. Ryan starred as the lead character in the psychological thriller 'Neverlost', a role for which he received critical, as well as a 2011 Toronto International Film and Video Award (TIFVA) for Best Actor in a Feature.  Ryan brings a smart ass quality to his role as Gavin Green. He smart-mouths his foes even as he cuts them down and even when he's an inescapable squeeze situation, he's still cracking off. He's a hoot, and we'd love to meet him someday.

As we wrapped up the interview, Chris Giroux told me that DEAD ALL NIGHT had just screened at the Mascara and Popcorn Festival in Montreal and would be going on tour.  (Montreal ComicCon's HorrorFEST (, and some local screenings in the Hamilton / Guelph area.)  In Toronto,  they have submitted to the After Dark,  and Blood and Snow festivals. Even though DEAD ALL NIGHT is not strictly a horror genre, they feel that it is borderline - sci/fi fantasy with plenty of blood and guts, and snide humour.  They had 2 screenings at the London Shock Stock, followed by Mascara and Popcorn in Montreal and the short was very well received at both festivals.

An upcoming project for Christopher Giroux will be producing a feature film for Filmmaker Chad Archibald (NEVERLOST), who was also a producer and director of photography on DEAD ALL NIGHT.

Twitter account is @A_Chris_G_Film
Photo by Bruce M. Walker


Film poster by Red and White Productions

About the author


Louise Peacock is a singer/songwriter who has lately become interested in creating videos for her songs and for various events. She is a Custom Landscape Design Consultant, a photographer, a hairdresser, a Reiki practioner and a visual artist. She is currently the Curator for an art space in a historic…

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