Things About A Person With An Old Soul

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Things about a Person With An Old Soul.

*Video is credited to infinite waters

To have an old soul can be beneficial, but for others, it feels like there is no life with having one.


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I have an old soul and knowing that I have it took some time to make me realize it, well I have learned about it in my 30’s.

When I was younger, some people took notice of how I talk, not with the stuttering but it was how I see things as I talk. They told me that I talk like an old lady, decades older than my age. Aside from that, my circle of friends is older than me that most of them would qualify as my parents, what kind of life do I have if I have these people as my friends? I have the best conversations most of the time, maybe because we talked more about their lives when they were younger, what they have experience. It was far different from talking about boys, dating, and marriage; maybe it was the real reason why I don’t have that many friends of my age, to avoid such topic since I have been single for more than five years now.

Anyway, having an old soul have benefited me during the campaign period, I have come to meet other people, sat down and listened most of the time instead of talking. And the outcome of having one was a big surprise to me and to my family. Why? I have heard feedback that I may be young but I have this thing in me, to see them living much better as I have listened to what they wanted to happen and what do they needed the most.

But what it is like really to have an old soul?

Let me get down you to the definition first.

What is an OLD SOUL?

*Video is credited to spiritual awakening

In the Urban Dictionary, it says than an old soul is “someone who has a greater appreciation and understanding of things that might be dismissed by others their age. An old soul would have a different taste in things than the mainstream media. They are often wise beyond their age or appearance.”

And another thing is, the old soul both embraces and rejects life. As they pull away from the trappings of the world, they may lead a life of abandonment that can leave them feeling utterly alone. Such choices are not always intentional, but their strong desire for self-reflection and solitude can remove them from the daily doings of the world -- and the old soul is more interested in being rather than doing.

Here are the key points that will make you understand an old soul.


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1.       Old souls are philosophically oriented and strive to see the bigger picture. Their motto is live and lets us live.

2.       They are generally compassionate and kind but should guard against a streak of arrogance.

3.       They believe there is more to life than money and the relentless pursuit of material possessions.

4.       Old souls are often considered eccentrics when compared to the rest of society.

5.       With so many lifetimes under their belt, they possess many gifts and talents.

6.       They can seem relaxed and unassuming, even in a crisis.

7.       The old soul is mostly detached from the drama of life and prefers to do their own thing




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 People see me as a person with no social life, maybe an introvert who would rather stay at home read a book and nothing more. I did try to go out more often but those times that I went out, 90% was regretful for me, that I thought that I just waste my time on it and the “I’d rather” thoughts keep on popping on my head. So, let me tell you more about the signs of having an old soul for you to understand what it is to have an old soul.

 1.       You are often referred to as the mother of your friend group.

I am themanang or the oldest sister in the group, who would stop my friends from doing things that will be regretting afterward.

2.       No “partying” phase.

Well, yes. I never attended a party that would make me stay until past midnight. Sounds like Cinderella but not,  I REALLY haven’t been into one in 37 years of my life.

3.       Off to bed before 10 PM.

I am not Cinderella, some call me “sleeping beauty”, Sleeping beauty since I am already sleeping before 9 PM like the old people indeed.

4.       Your ideal weekend is getting some chores done, running some errands, and relaxing with a good book.

This is very much true. I admit, my weekends have always been like this and I love it.

5.       You often contemplate the meaning of life.

Ahm, most of the time yes. I see more of life, that there is more to see rather than sulking, that “always look at the brighter side” moment.


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6.       Spending some time alone.

All I want most of the time is to lock the door, grab a nice book and read, a total isolation from the world.

7.       You live for the music made before your time and can barely stand the sound of today's music.

At first, I thought that it was because of my father’s influence that I learned to love songs that are way older than me, but I was wrong for I have loved more and more old songs that are on the 40’s rather than the 2000s.

8.       Being philosophically inclined the old soul values good conversation and deep thoughts.

The reason why I prefer to be friends with older people rather than people who have the same age as me.

9.       Old souls are unafraid to make strong eye contact.


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I listened with my eyes. How? I listened to the person I am having a conversation with through making an eye contact (not staring).


Thoughts of a person with an Old Soul.


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I may have something good in my soul, but there are times that I struggle too. When people told me about how boring my life can be, it just doesn’t make sense on how they think boredom with just staying inside your house. There is fun in being alone and just reading a book.

 To have an old soul is also being more sensitive to everything that happens in life. Compassion and kindness, two things that you can find in an old soul that makes them more sensitive.  And some people don’t get it, the depths of my thoughts, my reasoning.

 People should see the soul of the others for them to understand their way of life before thinking of the other way around.


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Thank you so much for reading!


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I am one lover...

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