This Kid Can’t Stop Giggling. Their Cat’s Reaction? Now I Can’t Stop Laughing!

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Curious kitties are a trove of hilarity, and their curiosity about human children yields some pretty adorable results.

Sometimes, this takes shape more in tolerance than actual interaction. This baby loves her cat to the point of smothering him, but the cat is well-behaved and keeps calm at this little cutie’s infatuation with his soft coat — even when she climbs on top of him. There’s also these little guys who take naps together and prove that cats can be great with children.

But the tables turn for this next video. Rather than the baby taking an interest in the cat, it’s the other way around. As a little squirt giggles hilariously at his giraffe (you’re right, li’l guy — it definitely is a funny-looking animal), his cat Bruce sneaks up to inspect the child, unsure of what to make of the child’s fit of laughter.

He creeps slowly up to the baby, considers pawing him, and then steps back and sits next to him, looking back and forth between the camera and the kid and attempting to make heads from tails about why the noise is emitting from his person. Kids are weird, Bruce. We hear you.

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