Top 5 Food handling Tips

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  1. Rub-a-Dub-Dub.Always wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food.

  2. 2-Hour Rule.Refregerate or freeze perishables,prepared foods and leftovers within 2 hours. Do not leave them sitting out at room temperature.

  3. Thaw Law.Always thaw food in the refrigerator. Never defrost food at room temperature on the countertop.

  4. Temperature's Rising.Cook food with proper internal temperature and check for doneness with a thermometer.

  5. Cutting Edge Clean.Wash cutting board and knives with warm soapy water after food preparation, especially after cutting raw meat,poultry or seafood. Sanitize cutting boards and counters with a diluted bleach solutions by adding 2/3 cup of bleach to a gallon of water.You may put it in a spray bottle for easy use.Soap and rinse thoroughly afterwards.