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Today i am going to talk about the formation and manufacturing of metro buses and roads in Pakistan. In the government of nawaz sharif we have seen that he only focus mostly on building roads and metro buses in all over the country. During their government in lahore last five years they built metro bus for that they made different roads and fly overs so that those buses can easily move in different areas of lahore. In beginning he apply no charges for the travel for 3 months but many peoples travel from one place to another freely for just time pass during this many buses got broken and it was very disappointing then they apply charges of ten rupee.

The main thinking in all of it was that they got all the materials that was needed in making roads etc was taken from their own factories such as cement and iron etc. So thats why for their own profit they focused on making metro buses and roads and they are getting all its profit. Thats why now in their own government they are still focusing on making metro buses and roads in different areas of country and on the other side many peoples are dying becaues of floods and hunger. They are not solving other problems of peoples because they have on profit in that they are doing those works from which they get alot of profit. The metro bus roads are also destroyed in those floods instead of making these roads etc they should protect peoples by making dams etc to stop and to store the water of those floods but they didnt did that because they have on concern with the lives of peoples they only have concern with money.

They are still working on the project of metro bus instead of saving lives of peoples because they will get alot of profit from that and will show peoples that they did work for them and will get votes again next time but this will have to end they should not only concern to their profits they should protect the lives of peoples it should be the first priority of every government. I hope that they should do that And will help the peoples in trouble and it will play a great role in success of our country Pakistan.

Pakistan zindabad

About the author


I live in Pk & study in 11 class.... :p

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