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Violence and abuse affect women from all kinds of circumstances every day. Sometimes, women are attacked by strangers, but mostly they are hurt by people who are close to them. But men don’t consider this Violence and abuse can cause terrible physical and emotional pain for women. Physical and sexual violence strikes women in many proportions worldwide. It crosses each and every social and economic class, every religion. From local abuse to rape as a weapon of war in many countries, violence against the women is a very big violation of their human rights. 


Violence is still preventable. Abusive behavior towards women must be viewed as unacceptable in society. Communities need to have an important role to find major solutions to violence and providing support to the victims. Men must be involved in the violations too, as mediators of change standing along with women to end violence. Approximately 50% of the homeless women and children in this country are on the streets because of violence in their homes. Nearly two-thirds of women who obtain public assistance have been abused by a friendly partner at some time in their adult lives.


Every day we see images of male violence against women in the news, on TV shows, in the movies, in advertising, and in our homes and workplaces. If the world does not consider the issue, it stands to destroy the huge potential of women and girls. When they feel safe, when they are allowed, women and girls can be game-changers. 

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