Wagah Border

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The partition of Pakistan and India in 1947, led to a marking of the long line in white colour which describes the famous Wagah Border.  2 heavy gates nearly 2 meters wide separate the 2 neighboring countries, India & Pakistan on both sides. Wagah Border is positioned around 28 kms away from the Amritsar city. This lone open border which is crossing India & Pakistan is the renowned Wagah Border. It is officially available by both nations. The Wagah Border in Amritsar is also called as the ‘Asia’s Berlin Wall’. 

The closing ritual at the Wagah Border is called as the 'lowering of flags' ritual. It is an everyday martial tradition which the India’s security forces called the Border Security Force & the Pakistan’s forces called Pakistan Rangers Force have jointly followed since the year 1959. This fascinating ritual takes place each evening ahead of sunset at Wagah Border. 

When the sun begins to set, the Wagah Border becomes lively with an exhilarating zeal and a distinctive nationalist liveliness on the either side. The show begins by playing the patriotic songs & remembering the daring soldiers who sacrificed themselves for their countries. The crowd applauses on by screaming out ‘Vande Mataram’ and ‘Jai Hind’, shared with the opposite side’s shout of the ‘Pakistan Zindabad’. This flag lowering presentation at the Wagah Border is amazing and attracts numerous tourists from both the part of the boundary and the foreigners also. 

On the India’s part of Wagah Border, there is a giant gate with an inscription of ‘Swarna Jayanti Dwar’, a panoramic sight of the entire Wagah countryside can also be enjoyed from there.


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Traveling for me is fun.. I love going to other places and explore something and make friends. I feels like I experience a lot when I do this. :)

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