Water in a copper vessel

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Recent research says that water have memory i.e. it has emotion. Yes, scientists proved in many ways might be some of us already know this fact. Once two glass of water was taken and kept it separately. Love, peace, gratitude and good emotional words are spoken to one glass and hate, fight and greed words are spoken to another glass of water.

After some time two glass waters are kept in refrigerator after some time it was taken and it was really amazing happened. The glass one was spoken good thing had complete ice cube and the one which was expressed negative emotion had broken pieces of ice cube.

This experiment was repeatedly taken and every time researches get the same result. Human body contains more than 70% of liquid i.e.(water), so if we show good emotions to a human we can get back the same and vice versa.

Now a days almost in many cities drinking water was kept in plastic cans also it was travelling some distance and it get shake in ups and downs. It’s possible to water to acquire negative energy in that conditions so before we drink that water we need to purify it by doing small prayer.


This is the reason in most of the temples after bhajan or aarthi they provide a drop or spoon of water and it has divine energy or positive energy. In olden days water are kept in copper vessels because it gives positive energy and it is useful for liver and also all the organs.

In olden days our ancestors used copper vessels and also many saints used these kinds of vessels for holding water.

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