What do you want to be called?

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What do you want to be called?

A few days ago when I was sitting among friends a person approached us with a very weird and absurd question, absurd  and weird because all my friends were confused as to why we were being asked this kind of question; now the question we were asked was "What do you want to be called?" plain and simple. At first we were all surprised as we all thought that we were the cream of our neighborhood i.e. my friends have a small problem which is we all think that we are the best in everything we do and we don't do. This is a major ego problem in us, irrespective of our knowledge we think that we know everything and that we have all the knowledge that is required to be called a genius but trust me there are some friends of mine who don't even know the number of days in the month of December.

Coming to the point, we were all confused as to how to answer this question so we asked the person what exactly did he mean and so that he could explain his question more elaborately.

The person took a seat in between us and he started to explain to us the purpose of his question. He said that he had heard a lot about us that we are a social group of young and talented men who go a long way in pursuing and in achieving its social goal; he also said that we were all educated and that we all come from respected families and that we were the envy of the neighborhood. He said that since we have been active socially for some time now we should have developed some leadership qualities.

Now this person was more smart than we all has thought, he was asking about leadership qualities that we had developed with the passage of time. He said that there are two types of leader:-

1) Good leaders and

2) Great leaders.

Here we all jumped and claimed that we were all great leaders without knowing the difference between the two but I interrupted everyone and asked the guy to tell me the difference between the two. So he began, he said that a good leader is someone who is in a leadership position and has all the powers and the authorities and the qualities and the technical know how and he has a lot of followers and that he has amassed these followers with a lot of hard work and determination.

Whereas a Great leader is someone who has done all the same things with his sweat and blood.

So where is the difference or should I ask what is the difference?

Here he said that both a good leader and a great leader need to work and toil hard but the difference is that a good leader makes good followers but a great leader makes greater leaders.

So what do you want to be called?

A good leader or a great leader?

Think about it!...... 


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