What have I done and what I propose

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I do not know if you used to write on paper will propose for the coming year and at its end to see if you were able to accomplish what you have set.
I do it every year. Many times I realized something even proposed but other times I was asked about "be careful what you wish for as they might come true" which means that we have reached the desired goal in an unpleasant way.

Okay. I begin. In 2013 I proposed no big deal (pity because neither was a year too pink for me). I just wanted to be healthy and loved ones. Both were accomplished but otherwise, straight line.

I still think 2014and by the end of December, I will write here the full list. Anyway I know I want to get a license with a minimum grade 10 or 9 and (except for health for myself and loved ones) to get engaged in a pleasant environment with a salary not too small.

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