What is a lazy day?

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Today is a lazy day for me! I am still in my sleep clothes and have been picking on snacks all morning.

Never really got started on the day. It is gloomy, dreary and only a little speck of sunlight is peeking threw the clouds.

Even the dogs are lazy, as you lie on the floor or couch.

I have only washed a load of dishes in the dishwasher and I can waiting for them to be dry. After that I will try to get my husband to put them away.

I also have some clothes in the washer now and one more to wash after that.

Yes, I am busy, always busy! But I am still lazy.

I promised my daughter I would go with her to get a few things she needs. I am not sure if that is what I want, but a promise is a promise.

Maybe I need to get dressed and get out a bit and it might make be feel better.

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