What's Up with Upshaw? Stabilize!

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Right now I'm thinking of "Stabilize", the cool theme song to the flop seventies sitcom "Flatbush", set in the Brooklyn, New York neighborhood of the same name.  "Flatbush" featured a bunch of dumb-macho-Italian guys known as the Fungos, a blatant ripoff of the Sweathogs on the hit seventies sitcom "Welcome Back, Kotter."  I don't remember much about "Flatbush", except that "Stabilize!" was the Fungos' catchphrase, reminding them to keep it cool.  Then they'd shout, "Mobilize!" and get on with things.  "Flatbush" was so bad a show that the citizens of the real Flatbush neighborhood demanded its cancellation; it was so bad a show that it eventually got cancelled anyway.  And I still have memories of when a Fungo stuffed a pair of socks in a girl's mouth to make her shut up.

I'm thinking "Stabilize!" because that what I need to do these days.  Life is a roller coaster for me still:  I did my TV interview with Lakeshore Public Television yesterday and it will be broadcast on Friday evening.  That's the high.  The low point is that I'm still broke and I need to pay my smartphone bill.  Then there's another high.  My friend Bertha Phillips may now be in a position to pay me to illustrate her children's book "God Made the Cats" this month.  I wonder if I can get her to pay part of it this week.

It is time for me to think like a businessperson.  Art is a business, despite what a former entrepreneur friend says. (I wanted to stuff a pair of socks in her mouth when she declared artists weren't businesspeople.)  So D.K. Upshaw must "stabilize":  Keep still, keep cool and look for new clients and outlets for my art.  And somehow find a way to use my upcoming TV fame to get freelance work right here in East Chicago.  And when I come up with some ideas, pick one and "mobilize!"

"Stabilize!" also means to quiet my artist's ego so I don't whine about my troubles to my friends and family just to "blow off steam".  I hate whiny black people, especially when one of them's me.  So I have to stuff a pair of metaphorical socks in my own mouth.

And I must always seek support from the Lord, the Creator Who made me a creator and is always there for me.  He did say, "Be still and know that I am God."  That's Christianese for "Stabilize!"


About the author


I call myself a 'tooner--one who cartoons. Animated shorts, single-panel gag cartoons and celebrity caricatures are my specialty!

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