What's Up with Upshaw? The Joy of the Journey

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We've all been told that we have to have goals ("Goals are dreams with a deadline," etc.).  We're supposed to spend a good amount of time working on them until we finally get there.  But what are you supposed to do while you're striving?  Do you have to wait 'til you reach your goal to be happy?

This is where "the joy of the journey" comes in, "enjoying where you are on the way to where you're going," as Bible teacher Joyce Meyer says.  This is a lesson I have to remind myself every day.

Right now my goal is to make four figures a month from all my cartoon and other endeavors.  That hasn't happened yet, so what am I doing in the meantime?  Cleaning my kitchen, cooking at home, straightening up my living room, cleaning out my file drawers--the boring but necessary things an adult must do to get along in the world.  That includes personal grooming and bathing and taking care of my wardrobe.  I'm not so high-minded that I think I'm an exception to that rule!

So I feel like a success when my bed is made, when the carpets are vacuumed, when the dishes are done, when the bathtub is clean, when my pants are pressed--hey, why wait 'til I make big bucks to be happy?

Joyce Meyer's daily TV show is called Enjoying Everyday Life.  I am taking that title to heart these days,  Life is mostly ordinary stuff, so let me enjoy the ordinary!


About the author


I call myself a 'tooner--one who cartoons. Animated shorts, single-panel gag cartoons and celebrity caricatures are my specialty!

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