When I was 18 ..... love and the difficulty talking

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Weekend humorous angle. Prohibition children <18t =)))

I am the daughter of an academic family. That means the students into instruments are proficient in terms of educating their children follow quietly thought, he is "the language well."
And myself, after 18 years of the birth and development, find themselves somewhat amazing, a true girl is the main sub feet low. I rated themselves 9/10, a rather high index.
Men start bu around me, when I know love teen prodigy, apparently from the age of 16 years. How to catch the flood flies swarm around all day now?
My father decided to have 2 dogs, a black, a yellow color. Two dogs throughout the day close the gate and saw the stranger they simply poking neck to look is gained by those who have lost chickened impure intentions.
My dad said, two dogs were well trained, highly qualified spreads there. Beijing yet?
And while I'm on the road it? My mother had hired a black belt witch comes, she just waved play a sleeve a fall grazing his lovebirds as articulating surface streets. Beijing yet?
Hitting 18, level of student decision for me was free love. But to maintain such virtues taught books. Special Terms "before dinner gong" is forbidden. This is a test
How now, what qualities needed in future husband, I have inquired many children a married friend. They said in unison:
- The most important is health, but weak man they regarded as toi, he must always carry around a fighting spirit, he'd get the guy's penis to be ready ...
Hear them tell me quickly say that of all the surface, doing so, the whole new concept that I had never heard before. How many full level of student teaching year greeting, hands permission, opened her mouth to chew not be missed ... Now fly to absorb these concepts may find it difficult too as philosophical.
I decided to invest in a few receptions duck noodle flanking your child married (including 2 children had left her husband) recommended them for specific added. Conclusions drawn were: "to long and hot". That's reassuring.
I accepted the appointment out for the evening with him after 3 months probation. Dog bites man is not afraid, not afraid of feces ... is a comprehensive standard.
The remaining issues should check the strength men left.
We sat perched up levees, wait a rising moon. Sitting waterfront say confession is nothing more beautiful. He spent 5 kg of seeds and food will run out of space demarcated. Moonlight late yellow radiating an area, how romantic, loving how. I'm ecstatic love.
Go to the appropriate time, I deliberately sat on him, and he then put his arm around my shoulder. I suddenly noticed something long-term, hard hard and heat touching me.
Decision immediately! My darling, I love you, love you forever ...
I kissed his initiative. Planning a wedding is uncertain manuscript.
Wedding night, I anxiously wait for an explosion, the world is perfect, I kept virgin until the wedding day details to him.
An hour went by he did not touch anything, I impatiently threw off his clothes, white peeled na my body, he remained inert. O or why is that?
No longer stand it, I asked him:
- Today at the waterfront sit I see you have something long term hot hot and also reinforces that ... Where are you?
He replied:
- That day he pockets of baked potatoes, sunflower seeds to eat there but they invited me.
I held his head all night crying into the pillow all tears, no withstand morning, I went outside patio facing upwards cursing:

- Patriarch father baked potato ones!

Dear friends, the last story I realized one thing new:
What must be one perfect ending.
Because maybe behind it ... the ending is a painful finale ...

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