When technophobes join Facebook

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One of my male friends {about ten years older than me} joined Facebook at the weekend. He's a bit of a technophobe {or just shuns contact; he doesn't even have a mobile phone *gasp*} and has to ask lots of questions about anything computer related. It's quite sweet really. He's brilliant at maths though, so that makes up for it.

So, when people join the twenty-first century and catch up with those of us who've been living here for oodles of years, they go a bit wacky. It's as though they have all those years to make up for, so they like and comment on everything and talk about it constantly.

I expect him to last about a month {maybe even only a week} and then he'll have exhausted all the excitement of social media and he'll be one of those proud souls who has a Facebook account but never uses it.

You know the sort.

About the author


My name is Shanto and i am from Bangladesh.I like to use social networking site very much and bitlanders is best.

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