Who is really "THE ONE"?

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Admit it! We all want the one, right? But the question is .. WHO IS REALLY THE ONE THAT WE NEED MOST?


Well, let's begin the search .. :)


"I have loved you with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself. (Jeremiah 31:3)"

1. He CAPTIVATES you. Isn't it amazing to know that the Lord of lords and the King of kings captivates you? He is just so captivated to us that He loves us so much. And that is the only love that would never fail. Even if all the things on Earth fail, the love of God to us would always will remain.


"People might let me down from time to time but God will always take me in. (Psalms 27:10)" 

2. He ACCEPTS us. Love is all about acceptance. That even if that person has a lot of imperfections, mistakes, failures, if you really love that person, then, you are willing to accept EVERYTHING. God saw everything in us. He saw even the deepest secrets we have in our hearts. He knows how imperfect we are, he knows how many sins we have committed, he knows it all. But, he still ACCEPTS us. 


"Now I tell you to love each other as I have loved you." (John 15:12)

3. He LOVES us. Yes, God really loves us so much to the extent that He would give His only begotten son just to save us from all our sins and for us to gain salvation. Has anyone in this earth ever done that to you? Or, is there someone willing to do such thing to you? It is impossible to man. But what is impossible to man, is possible with God.


"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)


4. He is FAITHFUL to us. God is indeed so faithful. Unlike those girlfriends/boyfriends we had/have who would change their feelings when they’d see someone much better than us, God, doesn’t. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


“God’s love pardons us for the mistakes that we made, if we are in Christ we will not be condemned because through Him we are set free from death and sin.” (Romans 8:1-2)

5. He FORGIVES us. As human nature, we are all sinners, right? We sinned but God is willing to forgive us over and over again if only we’d ask for His forgiveness.



We can always feel that there is something missing in us that is why, we tend to look for that missing piece from someone that is why we’re looking for girlfriends/boyfriends. But, no matter how many things your boyfriend/girlfriend gives you, even if they’d give everything to you, that missing piece in your heart couldn’t really be filled up. Because the only one who can fill that emptiness is GOD. He designed that emptiness so that we would look for Him. And when we would learn to love , we could learn to love others more. 



About the author


I am just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world. To live, laugh, and love are the things i wanna do. :)) Positive thinker.^^

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