WiFiKill - The Evil App

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Using WiFi is the most popular and convenient way to share internet connection to your family, friends, colleauges, and neighborhood. But sometimes "tutle net" strikes and I'm pretty sure everybody's annoyed when browsing with slow connection. Poor signal was one of the reason of this but mostly it's all because of someone, on the same WiFi network, abusing the internet wasting bandwith for downloading videos and apps with large sizes. If you can't stand a very slow connection, you can use this "evil app" to disable someone's internet connection in the same WiFi network and enjoy the bandwith with yourself :)

WiFiKill is an android app, that works only on a rooted phone, used to disable someone or anyone's internet connection on the same network. It works by spoofing ARP(Address Resolution Protocol) replies to trick other devices on the network into thinking your Android phone is the router then the app WiFiKill will drop all their network packets to the target causing their internet connection to slow down and eventually will disable it.

You can also use this on public WIFIs to use the bandwith just by yourself(not recommended unless you're a selfish person :p ) and by pranking someone.

This app was used to be on the Google Playstore but eventually it was removed cause it was considered "too evil" for Android Market.

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