Winter Time & Sport Annex

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I live in Syracuse NY, a city that along with its University sports teams is famous for its yearly snowfall (I know, something to really brag about). In fact, numerous online sources list Syracuse as the snowiest City in North America with a population of over 100,000 (1).

What does this have to do sports and more specifically Sport Annex? Why it's ski and snowboard season here of course!

Let's get one thing straight. I freaking love the snow. Not only do I have a boarder-line clinical obsession with snowboarding, I have more fun just driving around in my AWD car when there's 12" of fresh snow on the road and everyone else is stuck. Winter is awesome, you can get dressed up and go out with your friends to the nearest hill and go sledding just like you are ten years old all over again. Or if you have a few friends with snowmobiles hit the trails and ride for miles. Then there is ice skating and hockey in the local outdoor rinks.

Sport Annex, with its new look and interface, is always looking for the best and most exciting winter sports content available. If you or anyone you know has content they may be a good match for the site, feel free to drop me an email anytime!

My question for you today is the following: No matter where you live or what it's like in winter, what is your favorite winter time activity to do either by yourself or with friends. Post your responses to the comments box and lets see what we come up with!

Have a great holiday season everyone and if you're lucky enough to live where it snows, don't forget to get out and play!

- Kyle


About the author


Hi all, my name is Kyle Bome.
I am a Grad student getting my MBA at Syracuse University.

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