Women like it when :)

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#Women like it when their mans becomes sweet and thoughtful and romantic sometimes.

But they don't like it when a man just follow to all the things that she wanted. We also want challenge, don't let a woman controls you over & over again, she will lost her interest.

Just like how a man doesn't want it when a girl is head over heals to them same like girls.

Personally, I don't like it when my man often becomes to showy and sweet, and those who seem to be so revolve around my world. I want a challenge, I want someone whom I know I can compete egoistically. I want it when my man tries to make me behave rather than be just a puppy and go on with what I want. Hand & hand, heart to heart, mind to mind, eye to eye.

I always want that kind of challenging relationship to always spice things up. HAHAH 

Kasi pag ang lalaki super na ka-sweet at kalambing parang chocolate lang yan subukan mo kainin for a whole-day kung di ka magsawa tingnan ko lang LOL!!!

I like someone who is like a dark-chocolate with all their bitter-sweet thing LOL!! that's awesome!! Held your pride up-high guys in a right way that your woman will learn to respect you rather than control you.

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Worrying is a waste of time. Good and bad things happen in life, you just have to keep living and not stress over what you can't control.

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