You can't please everyone.

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Some people want to be harmonious with others and not create conflict. You may be that type of person. I know I am. But if there is something I have learned the hard way, it is that you can't always make everyone happy. And not everyone will like you. It's like different flavours of ice cream. Some people will like many flavours while some will only like one and just that one, never open to trying anything else.

There are billions of people in this world. You certainly will not meet most of the world in your lifetime. I am sure even the most famous people have only met an handful of humanity in comparison to the rest of the population.

Some choices you have to make in life will make one person happy and the other not so much. Sometimes you can't find a compromise. Sometimes you have to pick who is more important to you, even in the long run. It is great that you are kind but not everyone appreciates your kindness unfortunately.

You'll be okay if you didn't make that person happy, even when you tried very hard. If they never appreciated you, then you should not feel bad or guilty for that.

About the author


My name is Shanto and i am from Bangladesh.I like to use social networking site very much and bitlanders is best.

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