You can’t teach an old dog new trick

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A young man travels in a bus. He got a seat in the bus.  At one stopping a man who holding a baby entered into the bus. He didn’t react anything by seeing that. After a moment, an old man who just sitting before him got up and asked that man to be seated. By watching this he felt very guilty and thought why I didn’t do this. He took a resolution that hereafter he should help others.

    Next time when he was travelling in a bus at that time he saw a pregnant lady. He was sitting on the seat. He didn’t react by seeing that. After that moment an old woman who was just before him got up and asked that pregnant lady to be seated. By watching this he felt very ashamed. He realized that he should help that pregnant lady.


This story shows that some people think at that situation and forget to remember at some other incidents.  So every good habit should begin at young age.

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