Your Dream Destination

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There were times that I caught myself in the midst of nowhere.
I am physically present but I am emotionally absent.
There are so many things that runs through this mind of mine.

What do I expect from me ten years from now?
Ten years from now I see myself, in a higher position, much better than the position I have right now.
How do I see myself in a few years from now?
I see myself having my own family, I own a house that is from the fruit of my hard labor.
Am I financially stable after a year of working?
Yes I am, for I am saving money for my future and that is the reason why I worked hard.

I am always challenging myself to do better.
I want to improve my skills to strengthen my weaknesses.
And to be more efficient in my work.

.....There is a room for improvement ....!

I want to be successful in everything that I do.,
Even though the road of life has many bumps, rolling ups and downs .
No matter how many times I fall,
I will RISE....!!

#photo credited to:pixabay

" Photo is an art form for me, Sorry to those people who are offended by it.... "

The &Bubblews say that we can use the picture of pixabay, So I think I am not violating any rule.

I'm just explaining my side.....