Your one-minute Speaking preparation time

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Use the one-minute ‪preparation‬ time to make ‪notes‬ or bullet points before you make your short presentation. You can then look at the card and use these ideas as a guide. This gives your talk a good structure, and leads you naturally to signpost your talk, e.g. “first…”, “another thing…”, “the main thing…”, “finally…”



For example, if your question is about whether it is better to access news online than on TV, you might write:
– Online: more sources / perspectives
– Online: instant access 24/7
– BUT can become obsessed, waste time
– TV news: more reliable
– TV news: can watch with others and discuss

Having these points on paper will make you much more confident when you start speaking. Learn more about ‪‎IELTS‬ from our daily tips app, IELTS Tips. Search for us in the Apple app store or the Google play store now to get one free IELTS tip per day for a whole month.

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