Kirby™ Mass Attack at E3

Uploaded on Friday 17 June 2011


A New Twist on a Pink Hero

One day, an evildoer with a magic cane appears and splits Kirby™ into 10
pieces. Kirby sets off on a journey to return to his original form. Players use the
touch screen to control a mass of Kirby characters in a new and novel way.
Swipe the touch screen to launch them in a mass attack against enemies, then
tap the enemies into submission.

Players use the stylus on the touch screen to control a swarm of up to 10 Kirby characters
at once. They can help players defeat enemies and find treasure. The number of Kirby
characters under a player’s control is important, as some challenges require a specific
number of Kirby characters in order to be solved. When the number of Kirby characters is
increased, players can gain the upper hand.



Language: English

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Kirby™ Mass Attack at E3 by SiliconeraTV is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 License.