Love Song of Winter

The winter camewith singing and dancingbringing the message of peaceIt was a lovely daycold, but my deep breathswarmed me andthe snow……
The winter camewith singing and dancingbringing the message of peaceIt was a lovely daycold, but my deep breathswarmed me andthe snow……
Bu həftə Bu həftə sonu üçün yağış olunub? əlbəttə ki, yağdı! Bir yağışlı gün nə edə bilər?……
In my previous blog “Follow me around and be cute! - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn” I wrote about minions system in……
Mən real həyatda bütün rəqs edə bilməz, lakin mən Final Fantasy XIV bir rəqqas ola bilər: A Realm Reborn! İndiyə……
I can not dance at all in real life but I can be a dancer in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn! Until now I learned some dances……
Last evening I logged on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and I saw some players were running around with a new dress which……
Do you like pets? yes, I do. Both in real life and virtual world. I have been playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn for……
Am I a singer? - - - Nah.. I am a Bard! :) Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online……
Una fata è un essere mitologico o creatura leggendaria, a volte chiamata anche fay, fae, faery, faerie. In tutta la mia vita……
A fairy is usually considered a type of mythical being or legendary creature, sometimes it is called fay, fae, faery, faerie. I have……
It has been raining for weeks and this weekend? of course it rained ! What can you do in a rainy day? There are many activities……
First of all, you need to know what are RPG, MMORPG, PC and NPC. - RPG: “Role-playing game is a video game genre where……
Are you a fan of Final Fantasy? I am! I like games and Final Fantasy series are always my favourite :) Final Fantasy XIV: A……