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Filmmakers » Actor, Director, Producer, Writer

Writer/Director/Producer, Gustavo Camelot, hails from the “Switzerland of the Americas,” Uruguay, and has also lived in Barcelona, Paris, Munich, Berlin, London, New York, and most recently Los Angeles. As a result of his international upbringing, Gustavo speaks four languages, Spanish, English, German, and French, and has a rich understanding of diverse cultural idiosyncrasies and aesthetics.

Educated in Montevideo and at Oxford, Gustavo’s critical eye for composition was first cultivated when he received advanced degrees in the discipline of architecture, which served as an appropriate foundation for understanding the spatial relationships inherent in film composition. He later segued into theater arts after attending conservatory post-graduate programs at Escola de Teatre Musical Memory in Barcelona, and Mountview Conservatoire of the Performing Arts in London. His performances at London’s West End theatre district and in Barcelona garnered critical acclaim, and lead to his sojourn into film acting and directing, and a recent move to Los Angeles to pursue his filmmaking ambitions.

Gustavo has appeared in numerous international films, television pilots, short films and commercials, and has finished an intensive film development program at The Los Angeles Film School.

Vidrio Roto (Broken Glass) is Gustavo’s first feature. Adapted from his novel, Memories of an Ideal in Coma, and based on his multi-award-winning short The Seventh Bottle, about the story of VAL and Val, Broken Glass' cinematic twists and turns reflects Gustavo’s diverse background by application of his multi-cultural heritage and penchant for languages into the body of work.

Gustavo was also a "Project: Involve Honoree", a mentorship program of FIND (Film Independent - Los Angeles), sponsored by Eastman Kodak, Sony Pictures and HBO, and is now in full pre-production for his next project, The Tree of Red Stars ("Las Cinco Puntas del Lucero"), based on the novel by Tessa Bridal and already declared of National Interest by the Uruguayan Government. The Tree of Red Stars is a coming of age, love story set in Uruguay in the 60’s and 70’s. The story starts off in the peaceful, beautiful tree lined streets of Montevideo, a safe playground for all children, and ends up, in the USA-supported torture chambers during the fascist Military dictatorship, a period in which, thousands of Uruguayans were tortured and murdered for their political convictions, their dreams of social equality, the five pointed red star...