Eating Right for Good Health

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Healthy eating is eating the right foods for good health.

George Mateljan, the producer of “Healthy Valleys” products in America said in his book, “Healthier Eating Guide & Cookbook”, that he was once 50 pounds overweight.  He had difficulty losing weight and keeping them off.

Later, when he learned about eating the right foods he decided to try it.



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He said later, “I was pleasantly surprised at what a tremendous change it made, both in the way I felt and the way I looked. … and by eating in a healthy way, I was able to experience firsthand the fact that true good health is much more than just the absence of disease, it is an active state of feeling good. "



 photo credit: my Facebook friend.



I was able to experience firsthand the fact that true good health is much more than just the absence of disease, it is an active state of feeling good.

                                    -  George Mateljan, the producer of “Healthy Valley” products in America


photo credit: my Facebook friend.



“In fact, I now believe that of all the things we can control, choosing the right foods to eat has the greatest impact on how healthy we are and how long we live. … “


I now believe that ... choosing the right foods to eat has the greatest impact on how healthy we are and how long we live.

                            -  George Mateljan, the producer of “Healthy Valley” products in America


photo credit: my Facebook friend.



I agree with him and I also believe that eating the right foods is the solution to avoiding the various diseases that are making our life miserable and emptying our pockets.

Somebody said that “we are what we eat”. This is very true. 

This is common sense; where else will the foods go after we ingested them? They will form part of our system. If our body accepts them, then they will make us healthy and strong; otherwise, if our body rejects them and will be unable to dispose them anymore, they will stay inside our body and gradually destroy it. 


We are what we eat  . . . 

The food we eat today will walk and talk tomorrow.


 A wise man of old had said this long time ago; that “Food is our medicine, and our medicine is our food.”   

This is also very true. Why else are we told to eat healthy foods? It is because they make our body healthy and make us feel well. The ingredients found in the right foods we must eat are those that support our body; so that it could function effectively and could survive for a long, long time.


This photo is taken from the post my friend in Facebook.



Food is our medicine, and our medicine is our food.


A preacher added, "The food we eat today will walk and talk tomorrow." When that time comes, then we will know why we got sick.

This is very true. Why? because we created by God to eat only foods that come from the earth in the beginning, it was only later that God allowed the people at that time to also eat sea-foods, birds and animals. But they were instructed not to eat those things that are considered unclean.



photo credit: my Facebook friend.



Which are the unclean ones? For instance, from the animal group, those that do not chew the cuds, and those which do not have split hooves, we must not eat them, like the rabbits, camels, and pigs. From the waters, we must only eat those that either have scales or fins, if they that do not, like the shrimps, crabs and the shellfish, we must not eat them, for they are considered unclean foods for humans.

According to studies, those things marked as unclean by God are those which give us too much cholesterol and others after we ate them. God knows, because He created us, and He knows what He has designed as best for us to keep our bodies in good condition.


But they were instructed not to eat those things that are considered unclean.


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Just like the cars, each has its own kind of fuel in order to function. You must either use gasoline or crude oil; it cannot be both, nor can you add other elements like water, oil, alcohol and so on; because it will not work; and it will break down.

The same is true with our body. It was created by God to originally feed on the things that grow out of the earth, the primary foods intended by God for men to eat; so that he may live long and well.  


 photo credit: my Facebook friend.



 You know, our body have millions and millions of cells that works together to make our body function well. It's like there are many small factories inside our body, working in groups at the same time; each group taking care of a different aspect, like, digestions, breathing, waste disposal, transport of nutrients, and maintenance of different organs, like the heart, lungs, brain, liver, intestines, etc.

When performing each of these numerous tasks, our body needs foods that would supply every "ingredients" that are needed, like vitamins, minerals, water, and others, which could be found only in healthy foods. Every time a certain "ingredient" is missing, some of these daily tasks will not be completed; and every time this happens the body's health is compromised.


Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food.


If we eat our foods right, if we eat a varieties of fresh vegetables and fruits, seeds, nuts and only meat from clean animals, then our body will functions perfectly well. It will not get sick easily.


I have observed some colleagues of mine, who are not eating vegetables, who only eat meat, when they were caught in the rain and got wet, they will have fever the next day. This might be because they do not have enough Vitamin C which is richly found in vegetables and fruits. 



photo credit: my Facebook friend.


 So, where do we get these vitamins, minerals and others? Of course, from healthy foods.

What are these healthy foods? The foods that natures provided for us; the foods that some called "the naked foods", meaning they come directly taken from the soil or the water or farm, and they have not undergone any processing procedure and nothing is added to it.

These foods must be better eaten raw, so that the enzymes in them are still intact. When cooked, the enzymes are destroyed by heat.


Therefore, we see that if we eat healthy foods, we are like taking medicines; we will not get sick easily. I think it is better to eat healthy foods than to take medicines when we become sick.


photo credit: images by my Facebook friend.



I therefore urge the readers to take up the challenge of eating only the foods that are beneficial to our health, and stop eating the foods that are not beneficial to our bodies.


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This photo is taken from the post my friend in Facebook.



For good health, eat more fruits and vegetables every day. Eat foods that are nutritious. This way, not only will we not get sick, we will feel good always.

 Remember the popular saying,  "Health is wealth."



 Thanks for reading.


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