Emma Watson: The Princess of Hollywood

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I am pretty well and free from my exams now. I recently have seen a Hollywood movie starring Emma Watson. I love the way Emma act in that movie. So, I suddenly decided to research her biography and to write about her. In this article, I am going to highlight the life of Emma Watson. You will be able to read some basic information about her in that. Let’s start with her introduction.

Emma Watson: The Princess of Hollywood


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Emma Watson is British actresses and model who is the princess of Hollywood. She is known as Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson, born on April 15, 1990. She won the heart of audience with her acting skills and cuteness. Her beauty captivates the audience.

She started acting at an early age of nine. The actresses got her breakthrough role as a child in the hugely successful Harry Potter Film Franchise. She played the leading role of Hermione Granger in Harry Potter film series. Her appearance in the all eight film series brought her various awards and worldwide fame. After committing to the harry potter series for a decade, Watson has transitioned into a popular adult model and actress. Despite the young age, Emma Watson becomes popular within the film industry rapidly. She gets fame in a very small age.


Emma’s Determination


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The most important aspect towards success is to realize one own aspiration and dreams and then focus to work hard. Watson understood her dream very early. Thus, she started studying singing, dancing and performing in school plays. Her small efforts and desire make her dreams come true. She auditioned eight times for getting Hermione role but failed. And then finally she selected for the role which made her an international star and paved way for glory.


Emma gives Education priority

Even as a successful actress, Watson continued her education and received a degree in English literature from Brown University. She is much responsible for both her studies and career. She is always been involved in various competitions. The girl is very active and brilliant from head to toe.


Emma starts Modelling


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She did not end up with acting only rather she works in other areas also. In 2005, Emma started her modelling career. She also showed her versatility and talent in modelling. Many most famous brands use Emma Watson as a face of their brand. In 2009, she demonstrated a collection of clothes from Burberry.


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She is unafraid of critics and tried different styles. People really like her work in fashion industry too. She is awarded many fashion awards for her graceful piece of work. Her fashion sense is amazing. She has always found fashion to be incredibly important and has been the face of many different lines as well as being the youngest person to appear on the cover of Teen Vogue at 15.


Emma love cooking


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Being such a commendable actress, she is very humble and kind. She loves to do work at home especially cooking. Yes! Emma Watson cooks food. She says that cooking makes her feel relaxed. Her family really appreciates her cooking. She cooks very well.


Emma is a certified yoga instructor


Photo Credits: http://hollywoodmodelsnews.blogspot.com

Being a part of the film industry, you have to make yourself slim and smart. The life of actors is much busy and hectic. So, Emma uses yoga and medication to help unwind and relax. As she is an expert on that subject. She is a certified yoga instructor.


Emma Watson is an Activist


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Emma Watson uses her star power to uplift women. She wants to see women flourishing. Thus, she puts commendable efforts on empowering young women and serves as an advocate for UN Women HeforShe campaign promoting gender equality. She worked really hard for motivating the women, who were living a depressed life.

In a very small age of 24Emma Watson is a source of inspiration for many women. Emma is a smart individual with beauty and intelligence can be called as “Beauty with Brain”. She achieved her success by focus and hard work. Her determination and strong voice is an inspiration for many.


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She is one of those actresses that gained stardom in their childhood and that has taken it any bit for granted. In fact, she is an individual with so much more substance that most people are aware of. She is not an average person. She is amazing and still so young. The world and audience fans all around can only wonder what this young actress who has so garnered so much fame has in store for us and herself in the future.


Emma Watson taught the lessons…


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• She proved that dedication is the key to success. She failed many times but does not lose hope.

• She proved that you come first. How you feel about yourself will directly affect your all other areas of life. So, love the way you are and never complain about anything you have.

• Watson has respect for not only herself but also for others. Both are necessary for all affairs whether professional or personal. If you give respect to others, they will also give it back to you.

• Watson taught to be humble, no matter how wealthy or successful you are.

• The main reason for Watson success is that she is one of a kind. Though, it’s important to learn from others, set the standard of achievement for yourself. Model your efforts, without thinking about what else is doing around you.

• She taught us to try new things in life. Don’t stuck on one thing rather start learning and trying new things without getting scared of failure.

• Be grateful for those who pushed you towards a goal or gave you a platform on which to grow.

These are very few lessons that I have captured from the life of this extraordinary lady. There is much more about her. She truly rules over a million of hearts with his skills and talent. Here is a song from one of her movies. I hope you will enjoy this. 

Video Credits:  Moviefone via https://www.youtube.com

I hope you like reading this post. Thank you so much for reading that post. Stay tuned for further posts.


© This blog is written and presented by ®Kiran Abid, a Pakistani blogger, and student of Computer Engineering. To read more blogs written by me, click here.


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I am a student of Computer Engineering. Want to prove myself in that era of Competition. I want to learn and improve myself :)

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