mB 5.9624 - 12/21/14

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Have you guys noticed something these days? I am not sure if you have been checking your inventory but if you are used to doing so, you might notice that the buzz score and revenue trend are both up to date compared to before. See, before, whenever I would check on the data, it is always a day behind but, since the day that I had purchased the complete Christmas costume, it is always up to date and that is really a good thing.

Now, looking back to my score, I am a bit dismayed with the huge drop of my revenue because this day, I was totally unable to interact or even post the same way as before due to first, the slow connection, second, we had our Christmas program at the church and I was at the church the whole day. You might wonder how come i was able to post some videos then, well, i had asked my boyfriend to post those videos and log in to my account in a certain time so I would be able to get my treasure box.

Thanks to him and I got my treasure box up! I am still thankful despite the drop of the numbers. I will try my best to work on the site tomorrow.

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♥ saved by grace ♥

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