Stream Of Consciousness Blog

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Rather than doing this as a series of microblogs, I thought I'd just collect all of the thoughts buzzing in my head for a single post that everyone here can follow.

I'm always thinking about the future. Always imagining how things could pan out if certain things were to work out in my favor, or if those things do not.

Chiefly on my mind, at the moment, is the pitch session I've signed up for to talk to Dreamworks. I was doing some digging last night and found out that Dreamworks Animation, the company that has made so many notable animated films, is actually a separate company from Dreamworks Studios. I quickly thought, well maybe they won't want to hear a story pitch about an animated movie then, but I've come to realize that as long as I have a good story on my hands (which I believe The Liger is) then it won't matter if the film is animated or not. So I'm still going to go for it.

I just wish I knew whom I was pitching the story to. That information is somewhat lacking at the moment:

Something else I've been thinking about, for a long time actually, is to start a Let's Play series here on BitLanders. I thought how I might go about it to differentiate it from the myriad of Let's Play shows out there on the internet, and then the thought came to me! Why not do so as one of my animated characters? People are incorporating face-cams more and more often into their Let's Play shows these days, so it might be really fun to see an animated character going through the motions of playing a game as the audience watches it on screen.

I'd be doing PC games to start things off, and I have a pretty good library of games on Steam right now. So I think it could be really fun and be a way to release videos on a more consistent basis than what I'm doing right now.

I have some other things I want to tell you guys about. Namely, how I'm going to release my animated shows from here on out, but I'll save that for my weekend update. ^_^

About the author


I'm a screenwriter, voice actor, animator, editor, and I want to take you on a journey!

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