The 7 rules of life of the Dalai Lama

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The 7 rules of life of the Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama is an iconic figure for many of us. Its philosophies are evocative of peace, sharing and exchange. So, share their own, without moderation!

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risks
Risk is involved in every major occasion in our lives. If there were no risks, then everyone would take action that would cause people to be "regular" and not "great". Make yourself as someone noted that not only can they take risks, but who appreciate this kind of proceeding.

2. When you fail, do not fail to learn your lesson
If you forget what you've learned it's not done, you'll be doomed to repeat your actions. Even more importantly, do not be afraid of failure! Because failure is the precursor to success. Nothing great is accomplished without failure.

The purpose of life is not to be perfect, but to become the best of our potential. It is more important to be authentic than being infallible, and thus win our listening instinct. The only real errors we commit are repetitive. The others are opportunities to learn.

3. Follow the three R's:
Self-esteem - confidence is the key to success and if a person does not comply, you can not believe in it. So if you do not respect yourself, you will not achieve much, because you will not be able to respect others.

Respect for others - so you'll be respected in return. If you lack respect for others, some will assume that deserves to be respected, and therefore will not respect themselves.

Responsibility for all your actions - are solely responsible for your feelings, your actions or achievements. Totally control your life, you should not try to accuse others for own mistakes and brokenness.

4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful luck
To get everything you want will not necessarily be better in the long run. If something seems not work ever, as if fate would intervene, think the thing to leave aside for a while and come back later. The universe works in mysterious manner and should receive your confidence.

5. Learn the rules, to know how to break them properly
Rules are made to be broken. Most of them are designed to corrupt the old statutes that crave to strengthen its power. When it comes to breaking the rules, do it properly to avoid repression. But above all, make sure you do it in accordance with the rules. If authority should never be questioned, we have a stagnant civilization.

6. Do not let a little quarrel to ruin a great friendship
Obviously, a friendship is more important than a small fight, but very few people put this rule in practice. You must follow the rule after rule 7 to 6.

7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it
And do not let his pride hinders these measures. Forgive yourself and you assume full responsibility. This will tell a lot about you. No number of failures will determine our final success, but our ability to extract wisdom and move to another job with a new energy. Errors are neutral, what we can do with them. Depending on our way to perceive them, they will consume us and we will guide you to success.

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