The season I like the most.

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God has granted us with four seasons. Every season has its own charm and beauty one can’t say which one is the best one; however, the season which is dearest to me is spring season.  It comes after the severe cold of winter season when the people are fed up of cold. Spring clothes the bare trees with green leaves and gorgeous flowers. This is the loveliest of all the seasons as in spring season Nature turn into really generous to the world.

In Pakistan winter finishes with the month of February. Nature waked up from its snooze into a fresh life and it gives a splendid feast to our hungry eyes. Cuckoo pours its sweet and melodious songs when south breeze begins to blow gently and steadily and it makes the climate extremely enjoyable. With the start of spring weather begins to change day by day and innovative world of dreams is fashioned.

Spring season is for very short time period and it merges into hot summer so soon. Spring is the season of pleasure. In the fields there are green plants and flowers everywhere.  Flowers blowout their fragrance in all directions and the atmosphere becomes fresh with their scent,it grants an attractive sight to our eyes. The trees are dressed in red flowers and look like red rubies, many classes of singing birds chirp in the bushes and trees. They fill us with cheerfulness and joy.

The days of the spring season are soothing, mornings are joyful and nights are cool. Spring is neither cold nor hot. It is very delightful and romantic season poet called this season “the king of all seasons”. The cool wind fans the spirit of love and people call it the “the youth and beauty season” and thousands of youths get combined in matrimony in this time of year. Thus spring provides the advent to celebrations and weddings.

“There is no rose without thrones”. Spring season too has some harm, small pox and measles are found this season.The loveliness of spring makes us forget our worries. Its music entertains our ears. Its attractiveness gratifies our eyes. Its freshness kills our cautions. So spring is the most lovable season as it is the season in which the expression of nature is received universally.


About the author


M Kiran the defintion of simplicity and innocence ;p

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