LEAKED: Pokematic Subs VS Dubs 2 workprint

Uploaded on Saturday 17 January 2015


I work for pokematic editing his videos, and after the crazy schedule he puts me though, I'm leaking the workprint of his next video, a sequel to his subs vs dubs video. You can watch the first video here. http://ccpandhgvideos.blogspot.com/2013/09/pokematic-discusses-subs-vs-dubs.html

OK, in reality I shot this, realized I forgot a couple of shots and topics, decided I was going to reshoot a couple of things, and release that instead. However, movie maker is being stupid and won't render the final version, so here's the workprint version that I rendered before reshooting. Find the differences when I release the final product and you win an figurative cookie.


Language: English

Country: United States