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Filmmakers » Actor, Director, Director of Production, Distributor

To get to know, I define as someone passionate about life and the desire to achieve their dreams.

One morning I got up, telling me that life is meaningful only if every day you do what you love above all.

For my part this is the cinema.

Wanting to evolve in the universe of the 7th art but having did no training course, I have to begin by writing several scenarios of features films, In which I spelt a customized role.
(we are never better served that by itself it adorned).

Having no means to produce these various full-length films, I decided to adapt the first one of them in short film:

So, in 2006, I produced and directed "In a blink of an eye", co-directed with my brother Hamid JEMAI.

Wanting at first to be an actor, this experience gave me urge to investigate that was the realization.

In 2007, I renewed this experience, by writing, producing and directed a new short film "Free will" also adapted by a full-length film.

In 2008, my new short-film, "Blood reason" about war in Darfur.

Since the end of november 2008, you can watch my two news short film's trailer. "Still you breath" and "Game society".

I have pursued the writing of scenarios of lengths (8 at the moment).

Providing the means to achieve it at the price of an investment unabated, as loudly and clearly I would write: " THE TALENT IT IS THE URGE "(J.Brel)