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Zeppelins Bomb the UK


On January 19th 1915 two Zeppelins crossed the North Sea to perform a strategic bombing raid on the UK. The Zeppelins were intende…

by egdcltd

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National Popcorn Day


Today, January 19th, is National Popcorn Day. Popcorn is a type of maize whose kernel that is heated until it expands with a "pop,…

by egdcltd

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National Soup Month


This month, January, is National Soup Month. The word "soup" covers a wide range of hot and cold liquid foods. During the cold wea…

by egdcltd

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National Fig Newton Day


Today, January 16th, is National Fig Newton Day. Fig Newtons are a type of biscuit (cookie) manufactured and trademarked by Nabisc…

by egdcltd

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