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Control the life

Madhvi Saxena

You cannot control much of what happens in your life but you can control if you let it affect your mood and beliefs. If during tou…

by madhvi-saxena

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Create your life

Madhvi Saxena

You are as one with your Creator, and you are loved unconditionally and without judgement or expectation. Trust in the Universe to…

by madhvi-saxena

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Be easy in life

Madhvi Saxena

Relax and breathe to fill your body with the vitality of your breath.So often in stress and turmoil you forget to breathe and your…

by madhvi-saxena

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Body And soul

Madhvi Saxena

Stay grounded; stay in your body. If you do not, your body will get your attention by losing balance, stubbing your toe, getting s…

by madhvi-saxena

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Keep smiling

Madhvi Saxena

Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer grows you. Listen to your intuition, not your ego. When you stop…

by madhvi-saxena

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