1 & 2

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1: The doctor said, and I feel like, there’s no hope. I’m surely gonna die today.
2: Take this and place it near your chest. (pulls a blood-red light emitting sphere from his chest)
Think of it as an elixir, which also represents the existence of my living soul. It’s the cure to every ailment, known and unknown.
1: Really?! Wait. You pulled it out of you, what will happen to you once I use it?
2: I’ll cease to exist.
1: No, I can’t use that! I’d rather die than kill someone, even if it’s indirectly.
2: Just kidding. I was just testing you. (trollface)
1: You son of a..
2: Come on, take it.
1: (takes the sphere, places it near her chest, and starts to look well)
HOLY SH--! It really IS an elixir. How is that--

*2 is gone


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