10 types of men forever remain "dull"

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Women are picky, picky was a nightmare, man scrutiny, petty, like comments, rating other people, like inductive trivia to tear out to be a disaster so appalling. Naturally, she was not so foolish as to which wire on a difficult guy as old man.

Face tilted skyward guy

The climax of a slump guy is delusional to think anyone special affection for her and her just casually chosen her best.
Then one fine day, the XY overconfident received the answer, "I think we are better than you", "I want to make my little sister", "I'm just as he is the brother" and that is all illusion dissolves like soap bubbles.

He's haunted past

Feeling alone boring, want to find a new love life more beautiful, but every time get acquainted with new people, and this XY put that girl on scales comparable to the old situation. It's one of the bad things that the boys can not escape the haunting love lost and hard to conquer a new girl.

Once your heart is still stubbornly hold on the past, you will not be able to make ladies feel comfortable sending hearts to give and love. Of course, you will also dull the long term.

He's aversion to marriage

A guy who just wants to find love because like, just want to ask you to by raft, to the side, hard to conquer the hearts of beautiful people. Initially, she could be attracted and you have a good impression of who you are. However, after a few welcome offer, said to small, she will quickly realize your aversion to a long-term relationship, especially marriage. Even when the "smell" the smell danger when you walked along, they would quickly you type out a list of priority subjects.

He never grow

You know why women choose to stick older men, or even more years of age? Because ladies very clear sense, a baby boy, mundane, selfish and just knew he never became the man can protect and care for them.

You can make them feel happy all day. But before the storms and difficulties of life, you have not done to protect themselves, let alone care for others. So, guys, "his real estate was not worried well" become naturally difficult "pile of moss."

He jumps,

Seeing others have twin pair, you also feel feeling so excited and determined to find a berth. But parallel to that, you felt regret carefree life, liberal, like freedom, this here, it's tomorrow and not afraid to share his thoughts with the "potential girlfriend". Of course, she does not feel confident to stick with him as you both conflicts.

He's picky, petty

Women are picky, picky was a nightmare, man scrutiny, petty, like comments, rating other people, like inductive trivia to tear out to be a disaster so appalling. Naturally, she was not so foolish as to which wire on a difficult guy as old man.
Especially when the guy minded, gallant, that love is still filled afternoon out there.

The XX will raise the slogan "Better ế can not communicate himself to the enemy". And XY "quality" will fall straight into the top of the dull boys at risk.

He "bad bad, dirty dirty"

Not only visually son asked where the boys okay. Daughter might not be too concerned and focused on looks, but they also do not have a good impression of what a scruffy guy, Wrenches compatible, ugly and uncouth. Just thinking about putting introduce you to flood your friends, and they started to laugh at each other or looked afraid, she immediately wanted to get away from you then
No need for the rhythm track, grooming her to be the criticism as "flowing water", but you should also pay attention to their appearance, if not odd long ball long.

He's so handsome

Wow, sounds strange, is not it. Bad bad guy, dirty cooking equipment, so why is handsome still dull? Women are so complicated! In fact, the fair sex that good men is more dangerous than the boorish guy. Sometimes, they would rather accept walked inside the ugly guy rather than sticking with the handsome guy. Why? Because they are not confident can hold his heart forever. They are tired of having to deal with the other red ball. Low self-esteem because they themselves are not so bad but he stood suddenly become the underdog. Ever since seeing you, they had a dozen fears, how they can be approached and you accept it?

He "smells Department of Khanh"

A guy Khanh Department will not dull, but a guy he was dangerous, "stink" sure the Department holding back Khanh loneliness. Not to pull her up, you've made ​​the twentieth feel insecure because jokes, flirting everywhere you sow, no wonder why she does not want to stick with you. Listen to your heart, determined and focused "scupper" an object, and expressed sincere interest in her, you are lucky enough to escape the pull of life "Foverer Alone".