Today's Desensitized Youth

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My son is very sensitive to graphic and violent images, and has a hard time with scary stories. He is freaked out by zombies and gets himself all worked up about them. (On a side note, I really hate the zombie craze.)

Even though this can be a struggle for our family, I would rather have him be this way than have him watching violent movies and playing violent video games.

By allowing children to view these images on a daily basis we are desensitizing our youth to human suffering. If a child continually sees people killing other people on TV, soon these images will seem like common everyday occurrences.

Combine that with a sad and angry youth, and you could easily have a recipe for disaster.

I will continue to protect my child and have open dialogue about violence in our culture as these conversations become necessary.

+Desensitized +VIOLENCE +Graphic_images +Zombies +Video_Games