10 ways how you can visually enlarge the room

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1. Give up bright and contrasting tones, favoring pastel colors. Keep in mind that cold tone is better to increase the space, as opposed to warm.

2. The room will look larger if all the walls, floor and ceiling are like bright colors. To visually increase the height, it is recommended to paint the ceiling in the color of the perimeter walls.

3. Pick up furniture and curtains to match the trim. Curtain is better to use light, single layer, translucent, light to pass freely through them.

4. Contrast furniture will attract attention and "eat" space. Any large brightly colored objects visually divide the room into parts, that in our case is undesirable.

5. Speaking of light. In addition to natural light, it is desirable to use a hidden light. Well increase the size of the room wall mirrors.

6. Choose lightweight, light touch furniture. Table with glass top, open cupboards, chairs made of transparent plastic. This furniture creates a sense of open and free space.

7. Furniture better to place around the room to avoid unnecessary division. Or in the corners, freeing space in the center of the room.

8. Put an object attracting attention, such as outdoor planters with a high flower to the far corner of the room. It will direct attention to this point and create a feeling of spaciousness.
9. Do not clutter the room with unnecessary things that only a limited space. The smaller things in the room, the more it will seem.

10. Sometimes it is enough simply to remove the interior doors or replace them with a folding screen to two small rooms into one big united.

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