Eyebrow - "golden rules" of professionals 

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The natural shape of the eyebrows, given by nature, is best suited to your type of person, not counting the hairs in the nose.

• The appearance of the eyebrows should not be lower than the internal, otherwise you will have a sad look.

• Eyebrows, fused on the nose, very round or with strongly lowered end of the old person.

• Slightly shorter and widely separated eyebrows make you younger.

• The thick, very thick eyebrows are only young women with a very lush hair. Another wide eyebrows make men think that they face a passionate woman.

• If you have a round face, you do not fit the broad brow.

• If you have an oval face, in any case, do not do the eyebrows "vrazlet".

• Eyebrows - strings look unnatural and add to your age five years.

• After correcting the eyebrows need packs of daisies and oak bark.

1. Starting point. If you hold an impromptu line (using our stick) up from the wing of the nose through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow, it is the point where the stick will indicate, will start.

2. The outer edge of the eyebrows. To determine the end point of the eyebrow, place the wand so that its lower tip touched the wing of the nose and the upper, passing through the outer corner of the eye, he pointed to the eyebrow.

3. Bend. To determine the highest point of the eyebrows, where it needs to be bent, but a natural and beautiful way, putting a stick to the nose wing and hold an impromptu line up through the iris directly to the eyebrows.

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