10 ways to control hypertension

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What is Hypertension?

Hypertension or high blood high pressure is one of the leading health problems among the people all over the globe. Hypertension is where condition in which force of blood against the artery wants is To Hai full song meditations can help you keep the high blood pressure at Bay but you can also make various Lifestyle changes to control hypertension .

Lose weight

Maintaining a healthy weight and losing the excess weight if you are overweight or obese, helps to control the high blood pressure, cholesterol and other heart related problems full stopped using the just 10 Pounds 4.5 kg can go a long way in controlling blood pressure fulland other heart related problems full stopped using the just 10 Pounds( 4.5 kg )can go a long way in controlling blood pressure. Apart from losing weight keep an eye on your waistline also.


Regular exercising or indulging in any form of physical activity for even 30 minutes can help lover the blood pressure. Was, jogging, swimming and cycling are some of the exercises recommended for Hypertension patients .

Healthy diet

Consumer a diet rich in whole grains fruits vegetables and low fat dairy products and cutting down unsaturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure up to 14 mm HG this diet plan is known as Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH)

Reduce intake of sodium

Keeping your sodium intake to minimum is essential for lowering blood pressure.If you consume too much of sodium your body starts to retain fluid resulting in Rise of blood pressure . It is recommended to limit your sodium intake to 1500 milligrams per day

Limit alcohol consumption

Having a glass of red wine and today is perfectly fine it and it may even have health benefits for your heart.However drinking excessive amounts of higher call can lead to various health issues including high blood pressure . It is advisable to either drink in moderation or stop drinking.

Quit smoking

Every cigarette that image for temporarily raises blood pressure. If you are a heavy smoker, chances are you are blood pressure can stay elevated for long periods of time. People with high blood pressure who smoke or at greater risk of developing substantial high blood pressure.

Cut back on CAFFEIN

The role of caffeine in increasing blood pressure is not fully understood .However it is advisable to reduce the amount of caffeine as there is a small possibility that caffeine increase blood pressure levels slightly.

Practice relaxed breathing

Practice relax and deep breathing techniques as they help lower stress and anxiety there by keeping blood pressure in control

About the author


A rider, photographer, enthusiastic reader and an explorer:-*

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