13 Reasons Why: Novel vs. Series

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After watching the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, into which I was very hooked few months ago, I was intrigue to read its novel source written by Jay Asher. Suicide is a very sensitive issue that we should never neglect and Asher was very brave to put it into writing.

Some says that the novel is better than the series while some claims otherwise. After finisihing bothe the series and the novel, the following are some of the differences (which is just very common whenever literature comes to life through multimedia arts) that I have noticed:

>>The sequence of the people on the tapes:

Novel: Justin --> Alex --> Jessica --> Tyler --> Courtney --> Marcus --> Zach --> Ryan --> Clay --> Justin --> Jenny (Sheri in the series) --> Bryce --> Mr. Porter

Series: Justin --> Jessica --> Alex --> Tyler --> Courtney --> Marcus --> Zach --> Ryan --> Justin --> Sheri (Jenny in the novel) --> Clay --> Bryce --> Mr. Porter


>>Points of view:

Novel: It is the point of view of Clay as he is the narrator and Hannah through the tapes

Series: Clay is still the narrator and Hannah's voice were still heard through tape tapes but the sentiments of those people who were in the the tapes were also considered


>>The last party Hannah attended (uninvited):

Novel: Courtney's party

Series: Bryce's party


>>Time sequence:

Novel: Clay finishes all the tapes in one night (eager to know what he did wrong)

Series: Clay took time to finish the tapes (afraid to know what he did wrong)


>>Hannah's suicide:

Novel: Hannah drink pills

Series: Shows how Hannah slid her wrist in the bathtub


>>The 14th tape:

Novel: There were no 14th tape

Series: The 14th tape was also given to Mr. Porter and what will happen next is still unknown


Whichever is better between the two does not really matter because none of them would be successful without the other. The series would not be a series without the novel. And through the series, the message of the novel transcend to many more people. Both became successful in raising awareness for people with depression and who might be facing the same struggles like Hannah Baker. Let us be extra careful and be very sensitive in treating others. Even our small acts matters. Let us extend our hand to people who are in need. Always remember that SUICIDE SHOULD NEVER BE AN OPTION!

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