17 Shocking Images of Celebs That Addicted To Plastic Surgery. Were They On Drugs?

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1. The fear of getting old may have prompted Amanda Lepore to have plastic surgery. Now she looks like a caricature of her former self! Not a wise move if you ask me!

The fear of getting old may have prompted Amanda Lepore to have plastic surgery. Now she looks like a caricature of her former self! Not a wise move if you ask me!

2. Axl Rose was so hot and good-looking that he would still look good when he's older. Now he looks like Mark Wahlberg's older brother! No offense Mark but Axl Rose was once a pretty boy!

Axl Rose was so hot and good-looking that he would still look good when he's older. Now he looks like Mark Wahlberg's older brother! No offense Mark but Axl Rose was once a pretty boy!

3. Barry Manilow is a good-looking fellow despite the nose. Now he looks like he banged his chin on the door! Should have left his face the way it was!

Barry Manilow is a good-looking fellow despite the nose. Now he looks like he banged his chin on the door! Should have left his face the way it was!

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