20 000 leagues under the sea

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9. Outbursts of Ned Land

I do not know what might be the duration of sleep, but it must be long, because we fought
fatigue completely accumula-side. I woke up first. My companions did not
-bian has moved yet and remained lying in his corner as inert masses.
Just me I had raised that hard "bed", I felt the brain clear and
thoughts clear, and carefully reexamined our cell.
Nothing had changed in its interior arrangement. The pri-pressure and remained so
prisoners too. However, the steward had taken our dream to retire
table service. Nothing, therefore indicating an upcoming change of our situation, and I
I seriously wondered if our fate would be to live indefinitely in that dungeon.
That prospect seemed much more painful because, although my brain looked free
Obsessions Eve, felt a singular chest tightness. Breathing
di-ficulty, not enough air, very heavy, the operation of my lungs. Although
cabin was quite spacious, it was clear that we had consumed largely
Oxy-hydrogen containing. Indeed, each man consumes in one hour oxygen content
in a hundred liters of air, and air, then car-gado an almost equal amount of acid
Carboni-co, it becomes unbreathable.
It was therefore urgent to renew the atmosphere of our prisoners, and certainly the boat
submarine. This led me to wonder how it would proceed to commander
this floating home. Would I get the air by chemical proce-dures, by
heat release oxygen contained in the potassium chlorate and absorption
carbonic acid by caustic potash? In that case, in-BIA have retained some
regarding continents to procure the necessary materials to such-opera tion.
Or the air would be limited only to store in tanks under high pressure and then
distribute according to the ne-cesidades your crew? Maybe. There was also the
procedure, more convenient and economical, and thus more likely to emerge
surface waters respi-rar, like a whale, and so replenish their supply of
atmósfe-ra for a period of twenty four hours. Whatever the method adopted, I
It seemed wise to employ without delay.
Indeed, my lungs felt as compelled to multi-plicate their inspirations
cell extract oxy-hydrogen containing low. Suddenly, I felt refreshed by a
current of pure salt scented air emissions. It was the sea breeze, life-giving
and loaded with iodine. Am-pliamente opened his mouth and my lungs were saturated fresh
molecules. At the same time, I felt a movement, ba-lanced low-intensity, but
DETERMI-nable perfectly. The ship, the steel monster, had clear-mind
up to the ocean surface to breathe, the way of whales. Form
ventilation ship-faced, then, perfectly identified.
After absorbing the pure air lungs looked up the con-duct, which channeled the aerífero
effluvium benefactor to us and I soon find it. Above the door
opening a vent hole that let in fresh air for column
renewing the cabin atmosphere.
I was focused on that observation when Ned and Conseil woke up almost
same time, under the in-fluence of revivifying aeration. Both scoured the
eyes, arms stretched, and stood in an instant.
? Has Mr. slept well? ? He asked with his customary courtesy Conseil.
? Beautifully? I answered ?. And you, Ned?
? Deep, Professor. But if I am not mistaken, I think I'm breathing the
sea ​​breeze.
A sailor could not be mistaken. I told the Canadian what had happened during his sleep.
? Well? He said ?. This perfectly explains the lows we hear when the course
narwhal was found in the presence of Abraham Lincoln.
? That's right, Mr. Land, was his breathing.
? I have no idea what time it may be, Professor Aronnax. Is it not time for
? The dinner? I should say lunchtime, for surely our
data last meal yesterday.
? This shows Conseil said? we have slept at least twenty four hours.
I said 'That's my opinion.
? I will not contradict him? Said Ned Land ?, but dinner or lunch, the steward would
welcome, and bring one or the other.
? A and another? Corrected Conseil.
? Right? He replied the Canadian ?, because we are entitled to two meals, and I for one would
honor both.
? Well, Ned, hopefully? I answered ?. Clearly these are not unknown
intention to let us starve, as if it were would be meaningless food
? Unless this regard is that of cebarnos? Ned replied.
? I protest! ? I answered ?. We have not fallen among cannibals.
? One swallow does not make a summer? He said seriously ?.-nadian the ca Who knows if this
private people will not be long ago fresh meat, and if three
hom-Bres healthy and well built as the professor, his do-mestic and ...
? Move himself these ideas, Mr. Land? Answered the arpone-ro ?, and, above all, not based on
angry with them for our guests-tra, which would only aggravate our
? In any case? He said the harpooner ?, I have a famine in-diablada, and either dinner or
lunch, fails.
? Land Lord? I replied ?, must conform to the rule-ment on board, and I guess
our stomachs are ahead of the bell cook.
? Well, we'll put them in time? Tranquili-dad said Conseil.
? Only you could say so, friend Conseil? Replied the irascible Canadian ?. Is that
you use your little bile and nerves. Always quiet! It would be able to tell you the Deo
thanks before the benedícite and starve rather than complain.
? What good? ? Conseil said.
? Well it serves to complain! That's something. And if these pirates (and I respect and pirates
not to antagonize the pro-fessor sir, prohibiting call them cannibals) imagine that they will
keep me in this cage in which I drown without hearing the im-precaciones that floor
seasoning my outbursts, medium to medium-Vocan equi. Let's see, Mr. Aronnax, talk to
frankly, do you think we will have for a long time in this iron cage think?
? In fact, I know as much as you, friend Land.
? But what do you suppose?
? I guess that chance has made us matter-you know a secret. And if the crew
this submarine boat has an interest in keeping that secret, and if that interest is more
impor-tant that the lives of three men, I believe that our existence is seriously
compromised. Otherwise, the monster that has swallowed us will return on the
first time to the world inhabited by our fellow men.
? Less? Conseil say? we take on board their mans-ing and we keep well with them.
? So far? Ned Land replied that a frigate, faster or more
lucky that Abraham Lin-coln, seizes this nest of bandits and send your
Aircrew-tion, and us with it, to breathe for the last time former extremity of his cock
'Good thinking, Ned? I said ?. But still has not been done to us, to my knowledge, no
proposition. Useless therefore argue that we should take the game until it is necesa-rio. Are
I repeat, hope; take advice on the circumstances and us refrain from all
action, since there is nothing to do.
? On the contrary, Professor? Replied the harpooner, who would not give up ?,
something must be done.
What, Mr. Land?
? Escape.
? Running away from an "earth" prison is often difficult, but do it in a prison
Underwater, it seems absolutely impossible-mind.
Come, friend Ned! Conseil said ?, What will respond objection wing sir? I do not
I can believe that an American has never finds a lack of resources.
The harpooner, visibly embarrassed, stopped.
A flight in the conditions we laid the chance, was absolutely
impossible. But a Canadian is half French, and Ned Land credited him with her
answer, after a moment of hesitation and reflection.
? So, Professor Aronnax, you would not guess what to do about men who do not
They can escape from his prison?
? No my friend.
? Well, it is simple, it must fend for staying in it.
? Diantre! ? He said Conseil ?, True-tar is better inside than above or below.
? But after being expelled from her jailers and guards? Añadío Ned
How? Ned, you think seriously seize this boat?
? Very seriously indeed he replied the Canadian.
? That's impossible.
? Why? There may be some favo-rable opportunity, and I see what could
prevent us seize it. If no more than twenty men on board this
Maqui-na, I do not think back to two French and one ca-nadian, I say.
Better to accept the proposition that Discussi-Tirla harpooner. Therefore I simply
respond as follows:
Let's leave that circumstances send, Mr. Land, and then we'll see. But until
then, I beg you, containing his impatience. We can not act more cunning, and
It is not with the loss of nerve control with which you can lead
favorable circumstances. Promise me then that you accept the situation without being
out of anger.
? I promise you, Professor? Ned Land replied, with a little reassuring tone ?.
Neither will a violent word from my mouth, even a brutal gesture betray me, although the
ser-vice of the table is not met with the desired regularity.
? I have your word, Ned.
We cease the conversation, and each of us began to reflect on his own.
I confess that, for my part, and despite the determination of the harpooner, did not make me any
illusion. I do not believe in these favorable circumstances has invoked Bia Ned Land. So
safe handling of the marine sub required a large crew and consequent
mind, in the case of a struggle, our chances of success would be slim. Furthermore,
It was necessary, above all, be free, and we were not. I saw no means of
out of a steel cell as sealed. And if, as seemed likely, the
strange commander of that ship had a secret to preserve, cherish few fit
wham they expect that we let move freely on board. The question lay in knowing
if violently rid of us or if we launch sometime in some corner of the earth
All these hypotheses seemed to me extremely plausi-able, and had to be a harpooner
to believe in the re-conquest of freedom.
I realized that Ned Land's ideas were souring with reflections that
He is delivering his welcome. He could hear slowly boil their imprecations at the bottom of
his throat, and watched his gestures were becoming threat-mers. Walked, swam
like a caged beast and goal-peaba hand and foot walls of the cell. He passed
time and hunger while we cruelly stung-mind, and nothing announced us
the appearance of the steward.
This was our situation and forget too NAU-Fragos, if they really were
good intentions ha-ing us.
Tormented by their robust contractions it this-magician, Ned Land was angry
increasingly, what has-cía I fear, despite their word, when an explosion will be in
presence of one of the men on board.
Canadian anger grew over the next two hours. Ned called and
She shouted, but in vain. Sor-days were the steel walls. I did not hear any noise in the
Inside the boat, which he seemed dead. He did not move, because to do so would have been the
hull shudders under the drive of the propeller. Certainly immersed in the
of waters, no longer belonged to the earth. The silence was es-pantoso. I did not dare
to estimate the duration of our neglect, our isolation in the bottom of that
cel-da. The hopes that had made me conceive our in-terview with Commander
they were slowly dissipating. The sweetness of the look of the man, the expression
gene-pink of his face, his noble bearing, would disap-ciendo my memory.
Again he sees the enigmatic character, yes, but as it should be, necessarily
ruthless and cruel. I imagined outside humanity, inaccessible to all sentiment
of piety, an implacable enemy of his fellow man, who had professed a hatred
But that man was going to let us starve, ence-rrados in that narrow prison,
delivered to those horrible temptations driving the ravenous? So frightful
idea gained in my mind a terrible intensity, with the re-effort of the imagination, I
He fell into a senseless terror.
Conseil remained calm, while Ned Land roared.
At that time, we heard a noise outside, the echoing of footsteps slabs
metal, soon-guided if a shift of the locks. The door opened and
steward appeared.
Before he could make a move to prevent Selo, the Canadian rushed
on the miserable, you derri-Bo and kept gripped by the throat. The steward was choking
under the powerful hands of Ned Land.
Conseil was already trying to remove from the hands of ar-ponero your average victim
asphyxiated, and I would join their efforts, when suddenly, I nailed down
These words, spoken in French:
? Calm down, Mr. Land, and you, Mr. Professor, kindly listen.

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music videos, vido comedy history, mexican history

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