3 homemade cough remedies

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1. Honey, onion and garlic syrup

The mixture:
Combine a half-cup of honey and a half-cup of water. Add in one whole chopped onion and one chopped clove of garlic. Add a dash of sage, thyme or oregano and allow to steep overnight at room temperature. Strain and use the liquid as a cough syrup. Store in your refrigerator. 

Why it works: 
Honey, onion and garlic are all naturally antimicrobial, says Dr. Solomonian. “Honey also acts as a demulcent, meaning it relaxes the cough reflex and soothes the throat.” Not cooking the mixture helps preserve the full antimicrobial properties of the onions and garlic, which lose some of their potency when heated. Finally, herbs like sage, thyme or oregano add even more antimicrobial benefits.


2. Castor oil chest rub

The mixture:
Start with a half a cup of good quality, cold pressed castor oil. Crush one or two cloves of garlic and stir them into the oil. Add a tablespoon of freshly grated ginger, three or four drops of eucalyptus oil and about half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Rub on chest. 

Why it works: 
Castor oil is well absorbed by the body and helps to increase circulation, which stimulates our immune response. The ginger and cayenne pepper also help warm the body, stimulate circulation and dilute mucus. The garlic and eucalyptus oil are added for their antimicrobial properties.


3. Horseradish syrup

The mixture: 
Add a dash of grated horseradish to a quarter cup of honey. Allow it to sit for a few hours then use as a cough syrup.

Why it works:
“Horseradish promotes perspiration, making it useful in the treatment of fever,” says Dr. Jean-Jacques Dugoua, naturopathic doctor and director of clinical pharmacology for Newtopia. “When mixed with honey, it can be an effective remedy for hoarseness and cough from colds and flu.” Horseradish also stimulates appetite and promotes digestion. However, just a small amount does the trick. Eating large amounts may cause stomach upset.




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