30 Ways to Make Your Life More Interesting

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Ways to Make Your Life More Interesting

We have but one life and it lies solely with us to either make it interesting or to live it the ordinary way. The difference between an interesting life and an ordinary life is like between choosing a cheese and macaroni dinner to having an exotic Thai dinner. Cheese and macaroni dinner could be comforting and be there when you need it, but to get an exotic Thai dinner you will have to either get the ingredients and prepare it yourself or do a bit of homework and find the best Thai restaurant in town. Whatever way you choose, you will have made your dinner experience different and more importantly interesting. The same can be applied to life at large; you can add different things to your daily schedule to make your life interesting. Here are some ways to make your life more interesting.

1. Do something different once in a while

Our routines lull us into a false sense of safety and comfort and we seldom want to break that. But if your life is going to be predictable for the next week, the month and maybe even the year, there is no point. You will have to do something that is totally out of character.

2. Quit your job and go travelling

Quit your job to do a bit of travelling and go to a place that you have always wanted to explore.

3. Start a new venture

Everyone can do it, all it needs is a little bit of courage and a lot more bluster to convince yourself and others that it would be a success

4. Go mountain climbing at least once in your life

This would not only make your life interesting but also test your strength and endurance limits.

5. Do something different at least once in a month

Try to do something different at least once in a month so you can plan for it in the beginning of the month and then think and talk about what you had done for the rest of the month.

6. Do not stick to the same routine

Routine can be safe and comforting and pretty boring. If you like having a routine, have one, but keep changing your routine. Keep juggling the usual things you normally do and try to make them interesting.

7. Surprise yourself and surprise others

Never underestimate your ability to surprise yourself. Be impulsive and do what you have to and what you want to.

8. Do not try and control your life

Life is pretty unpredictable and instead of trying to control your life and change it to your style, let go with life and do what your heart tells you to do.

9. Be impulsive

It isn’t always very interesting to be rational and practical all the time.

10. Get to know more people

Try and get to know as many people as you can. You never know how much they can bring into your life.

11. Make a friend that is not from your country or background

They can have a different language, a different culture and also a different value system that you can learn from.

12. Go out as much as you can with your new friends

You can also go out a lot when you have many friends from different cultural backgrounds.

13. Be open to changes and challenges

Never shy away from taking life head on. Be open to changes and challenges.

14. Do not resist change

Resisting change will never do any good and make your life more interesting by making the changes yourself. You will have more control over your life that way.

15. Be a risk taker

What better way to make your life interesting than taking risks with it. Be it a personal decision or a professional decision you need to take more risks. Risks make your life interesting and a treat to live.


16. Learn a new language

Try to learn as many languages as you can. This is a surprising way to make your life more interesting.

17. Be a part of as many social media groups as possible

Sign up for an account in as many social media groups as possible.

18. Try a different hairstyle every month

It would be interesting just to hear people comment on your different and changing style.

19. Make as many career moves as you possibly can

Try out different jobs. You have just one life.

20. Grow a dreadlock

Grow out a dreadlock and go about town with it for a while no matter how old you are.

21. Sing in public

Even if you make babies cry with your singing, it should not stop you from trying it out. Sing as much as you can.

22. Learn dancing

Do it even if you cannot dance. Dancing can be interesting and healthy.

23. Go to the forest or wilderness and try to survive for a week

You will rally learn to appreciate what you have got after you do this.

24. Drink and get drunk once in a while

They say you tend to be brutally honest with yourself and others when you do this.

25. Smoke pot and get high if you can

Heighten your senses and appreciate your life more by smoking up at least once in a while.

26. Learn a new trade

Painting or pottery, learn a new trade. It might even come handy when you are down in the dumps.

27. Sleep with a complete stranger

This is taking risks to new levels, but you can cheat a little and know a bit about the stranger before you go to bed.

28. Get a dog

Of all the pets, nothing else can enrich your life more or make it interesting lie a dog. You also make a friend for life.

29. Write a book

It does not matter if it never gets published. Write it and keep at it even if it takes you years.

30. Visit a nudist settlement

It is interesting to see people completely at ease with their bodies and their selves.

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