5 common habits that can cause early death

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Sitting too much, sleeping pills regularly, sex is lazy habits can reduce the life of man.

Eating whole grains

Whole grains contain phytates, substances inhibit the absorption of some essential minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Many studies prove that eating habits whole grains can cause decreased iron absorption by 50%. In addition, phytate also prevent magnesium - a mineral needed, potentially preventing type 2 diabetes - and calcium - substances capable of preventing osteoporosis phenomenon. And the worst news is: Eating whole grains may reduce sexual desire because it blocks the absorption of zinc. Even if you eat the supplements, the body could not absorb them properly if you continue to eat whole grains.
Are you still not convinced? Many studies have shown that whole grains, especially wheat, which can lead to the development of some autoimmune diseases. Lectins, which occurs on wheat, can cause lupus erythematosus, hypothyroidism, eczema and some other autoimmune diseases.

Sleeping pills often

Today many people suffer from insomnia. To solve this problem, doctors often prescribe sleeping pills for them. However, one study showed that sleeping pills can often cause people to die prematurely. The risk of premature death of those sleeping pills 5 times higher than those who do not drink. The worst thing is that even when we drink very little sleep medications - such as from 4 to 18 members per year - the risk of premature death is not diminished. In fact, people who drink 4 to 18 sleeping pills every year face a higher risk of early death by 3.6 times compared with nondrinkers.

Compared with people who do not take sleeping pills, the risk of premature death of those who drink from 18 to 132 employees per year to 4.4 times higher, and the risk of those who drank more than 132 employees per year higher than 5, 3 times. The bad news does not stop there. Cancer risk of those who drank 132 per year average increase to 35%. If you do not want to short life, throw even sleeping pill when you wake up at 2am.

Eating too much salt

If you are addicted to fast food and processed food, you should definitely stop that habit, not only because they contain a lot of fat, but also because of the sodium content (an element in table salt) in their very high . Texas Medical Association (TMA) in the United States warned that these foods contain much salt can cause a short life.
In addition to causing kidney stones, salt can increase blood pressure - a condition that can lead to stroke and heart attack. The American Heart Association encourages people to limit their sodium intake into the body at 2,300 mg per day. People with high blood pressure should only 1,500 mg of sodium per day.

However, TMA acknowledges that limit the amount of sodium in the body is the Impossible. Why? Because the amount of salt in a large part of the McDonald's fast food have reached over 1,000 mg. So probably nobody feels weird when 65 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure and 500,000 died annually due to stroke and heart disease.

TMA estimates that, if the food manufacturers and restaurants reduce the amount of salt in their products, 150,000 people will die prematurely exit painter complications that cause high blood pressure.

Sitting too much

If you're sitting at the time you read this article, please stand up. Several studies demonstrated prolonged sitting can cause much worse state of health. A study by the University of Leicester points out that if people are sitting in the most time of the day - whether sitting at home or place of work - the risk of heart disease and diabetes will increase. In addition, the study - with an audience of 800,000 people - and for that even when people exercise regularly, the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular still not reduced if we sit in the big time time of day on the couch.
What is more worrying, many sitting can reduce life expectancy. An Australian study confirmed the risk of premature death of those over age 45 increased by 40% if they sit for a period of 11 hours or more per day.

We have a way to explain why sitting for hours harmful to humans. When people sit, our bodies will consider such behavior as a sign to move on to the state system storage. Many changes have occurred unhealthy in that state. For example, the concentration of glucose in the body increases, the amount of good cholesterol while reducing bad cholesterol levels increased. And our bodies against insulin. In other words, the time we sat bigger the worse our health.

Lazy sex

Countless studies prove that regular sexual activity increases blood flow, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Sexuality is also an effective way to lose weight. A session "briefing" on the bed for 30 minutes can "consume" 200 calories of energy. In addition, sex also helps prevent common diseases like cough and cold because it increases the resistance of the body.
When you feel stressed, you should take a long intimacy and emotional. Having sex can help you relax and reduce stress levels because the body can release oxytocin, substance promotes endorphin production - substances that we call "happiness hormone".

The good news does not end there. Regular sex can make you younger than both appearance and ideology as it increases vitality and create collagen - the substance that gives skin brighter and more resilient. But the best news is: "It's" can often increase longevity. A study by Duke University in the United States showed that women's life expectancy increased to 8 years if they have sex regularly. The risk of premature death among men decreased by 50% if they have sex regularly.