5 Cool Parenting Tips Every Father Should Know

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In most cases, fathers work and mothers raise the kids. However, this doesn't mean that we (us men) should slack in taking good care of our little ones. Besides, being a responsible father is not just about being able to provide for all your family's needs. It also concerns our ability to be there physically for each and every member of the family especially at times when we are most needed.

So if you feel like you could use an extra hand to become a cool father to your kids, here are some expert tips to consider:

  • Play with them. Kids play a lot. In fact, it's their main way of learning things and improving themselves both physically and mentally. You can show them or even hand over your personal toy collection (if you have one) or simply explain to them how you do it back in the days. Build lego castles or play the role of father and son jedi masters. Level it up by introducing your favorite sport like baseball, basketball, or football.

  • Listen to them. One of the most important foundations that strengthen the bond between father and son is communication. Of course, we want our children to listen to us and heed our pieces of advice. However, our children could also use an ear from us. Every now and then, take time to listen to their problems and thoughts. Just sit there and be their human diary.

  • Cook them a healthy meal. A dad that cooks is definitely a cool dad. You don't have to be at par with those restaurant chefs to do this. It's just learning how to drive - you just need to know the basics. Once you're in it, you'll be able to throw in your own recipes that your kids will surely enjoy. Besides, it's a plus point for you as a husband. Your wife will most likely take care of the desert that you deserve.

  • Teach them how to suit up nicely (for father and son). You'd want to look great and impress everyone around you whether you are at work or just around the neighborhood. But wouldn't it be cooler if your young fellow looks as great as you? Our wives have been doing a great job on this no doubt. However, a cool dad takes time in teaching his son as to which shirt would pair handsomely with which pair of pants.

  • Teach them how to swim. Whether you want to take them to the beach or to a pool resort, it's best that you take this opportunity in teaching them the basics of swimming. It's a good exercise and a nice way to spend waulity time with your family. 


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